Editorial Board | > About > Editorial Board |

Editor-in-Chief |
Cho, Chul-Ho | Dept. of Business Administration, Daegu Haany University, Korea | Representative Editors |
Business Administratin | | Lee, Don-Hee | Dept. of Business Administration, Inha University, Korea | IndustrialEngineering | | kim, Seong-Joon | Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Chosun University, Korea | Statistics | | Shin, Sang-Mun | Dept. Of Industrial & Management Systems Engineering, Dong-A University, Korea | Manuscript Editor |
Shin Su-Yeon | The Korean Society for Quality Management | Editorial Board |
Business Administratin | | Chien-Wei Wu | Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Taiwan | Jo, Dong-Hyuk | Dept. of Business Administration, Soongsil University, Korea | Kim, Gye-Soo | Dept. of Management, Semyung University, Korea | Kim, Myoung-Soo | Dept. of Management, Kangwon National University, Korea | Lee, Seul-Ki | Software Policy & Research Institute(SPRi) | Lee, Su-Yol | Dept. of Management, Chonnam National University, Korea | Lim, Sung-Uk | Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Daejin University, Korea | Moon, Jae-Young | Dept. of Management, Dongseo University, Korea | Park, Jong-Woo | Dept. of Business Administration, Soongsil University, Korea | Yumin Liu | School of Business, Zhengzhou University, China | IndustrialEngineering | | Bae, Sung-Min | Dept. of Industrial & Management Engineering, Hanbat National University, Korea | Baek, Jung-Woo | Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Chosun University, Korea | Jeong, Myong-Kee | Rutgers, the State Univ.of New Jersey, USA | Kaibo Wang | Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University, China | Kim, Seong-Jun | Dept. of Industrial & Information Engineering, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Korea | Kim, Jae-Yun | Dept. of Management, Chonnam National University, Korea | Kim, Yong-Soo | Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Kyonggi University, Korea | Park, Min-jae | Dept. of Management, Hongik University, Korea | Son, Young-Doo | Dept. of Industrial & Systems Engineering, Dongguk University, Korea | Statistics | | Lee, Mi-lim | Dept. of Management, Hongik University, Korea | Lee, Sang-In | Dept. of information and statistics, Chungnam National University, Korea | Lee, Se-Won | Division of Business Administration, Pukyong National University, Korea | Lim, Jae-Hak | Dept. of Business Administration, Hanbat National University, Korea | Jung, Ki-Mun | Dept. of Information Statistics, Kyungsung University, Korea | Yasushi Nagata | Dept. of Industrial & Management Systems Engineering, Waseda University, Japan |