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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 22(4); 1994 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 1994;22(4): 13-.
계수치 데이터를 위한 EWMA 관리도
안동근, 장중순
아주대학교 산업공학과
Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Charts for Counted Data
Dong-Geun An, Joong-Soon Jang
Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Ajou University
This study is concerned with design of EWMA control charts for counted data. Control charts for the fraction defective and the number of defects are designed. Performance analysis is accomplished for validity of the designed EWMA control charts. Average run length(ARL) is adopted as a criterion for comparison. Simulation results show that the designed EWMA control charts have shorter ARL than pn, p and c control charts when the fraction nonconforming or the average defect number are shifted. This means that the designed control charts can detect the out of -control state of the process more fastly than the traditional control charts.
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