Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 1996;24(2): 128-. |
일반화 선형모형을 통한 품질개선실험 자료분석 |
이영조1, 임용빈2 |
1서울대학교 통계학과 2이화여자대학교 통계학과 |
Generalized Linear Models for the Analysis of Data from the Quality-Improvement Experiments |
Youngjo Lee1, Yong Bin Lim2 |
1Dept. of Statistics, Seoul National University 2Dept. of Statistics, Ewha Womans University |
The advent of the quality-improvement movement caused a great expansion in the use of statistically designed experiments in industry. The regression method is often used for the analysis of data from such experiments. However, the data for a quality characterstic often takes the form of counts or the ratio of counts, e.g. fraction of defectives. For such data the analysis using generalized linear models is preferred to that using the simple regression model. In this paper we introduce the generalized linear model and show how it can be used for the analysis of non-normal data from quality-improvement experiments. |