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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 27(2); 1999 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 1999;27(2): 163-.
계층유대에 의한 품질경영 성과측정
성균관대학교 시스템경영공학부
Hierarchically Associated Quality Performance Measurements in Quality Management
Wan-Seon Shin
Sung Kyun Kwan University School of Systems Management Engineering
Performance measurement is increasingly becoming a vital issue for promoting quality management within an organization. This research proposes a new performance measurement approach, called the Hierarchically Associated Performance Measurement, for the organizations which emphasize long term quality th겨st through a balanced interface between the quality efforts of various units. The proposed approach is unique in that it considers relationships between internal quality activities and national quality award criteria and that it identifies and utilizes the quality responsibilities of functional units in order to encompass organizational roles in the evaluation process. The approach is illustrated via a numerical evaluation of a fictitious organization.
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