중소기업을 위한 품질정보시스템 구축 사례 |
최규필1, 박재홍2, 변재현2, 서기헌3 |
1오리온전기(주) 2경상대학교 산업시스템공학부, 생산기술연구소 3대양공업사(주) |
A Case Study of Establishing a Quality Information System for a Small Sized Company |
For small sized companies in Korea, it is crucial to have a systematic way of collecting and storing quality data, and extracting relevant information when necessary. This paper Is concerned with developing a quality information system which is mainly focused on processing quality inspection data, converting the data into meaningful quality information, and illustrating a case study of a small sized company in Gyeongnam province. First, we review the current quality Inspection system and reorganize a quality system which is more efficient than the current one. Second, incoming material, process, and product inspection modules are developed. Finally, a statistical process control module is integrated to see the manufacturing process behavior over time. |