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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 31(1); 2003 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2003;31(1): 76-.
소프트웨어 프로세스 개선을 위한 CMM과 ISO9001간의 비교 연구
류진수1, 김연성2, 서우종2
1LG-CNS 사업지원본부 기술연구부분 아키텍쳐센터 테이터아키텍쳐팀
2인하대학교 경영학부
A Study on the Comparison of CMM and ISO9001 for Software Process Improvement
Recently, CMM have been recognized as a critical factor to validate the competitiveness of software organizations, even if the organizations have already achieved the ISO9001 certification. Furthermore, the new version of ISO9001:2000 is being required instead of ISO9001:1994. Both CMM and ISO9001 have a common point that they pursuit quality improvement for the organizations processes and products. Therefore, it is important to understand the similarities of specific requirements between the two models in software organizations which attempt to employ both of the models. From this background, this paper compares CMM and ISO9001 by considering the versions in 1994 and 2000 of ISO9001. The results of this research are likely to help software organizations ma]fe a decision for a strategy to adopt CMM and ISO9001.
Key Words: Software Process Improvement(SPI);Capability Maturity Model(CMM);ISO9001:1994;ISO9001:2000;Comparison;
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