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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 32(2); 2004 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2004;32(2): 24-.
인터넷쇼핑몰에서 Flow가 소비자 구매의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
안운석1, 박종원2
1남서울대학교 경영세무학부
2수원여자대학 전자상거래과
A Study on the Effects of Flow on Customer Purchase Intention in Internet Shopping Malls
In order for electronic commerce to be successful, it must have a theoretical framework that considers the characteristics of the internet user who are consumers in the cyber space and impacts their purchase intentions. We were able to obtain participations of 316 people, and derived statistics by means of SPSS/PC version 10.0 and Amos 4.0 statistics package. We found that, the higher the degree of skill and the sense of challenge, the level of involvement and perceived service quality increased. And the degree of skill has a negative influence on awareness of perceived risk than the sense of challenge. Perceived service quality, perceived risk and involvement has a influence on purchase intentions.
Key Words: Flow;Involvement;Perceived risk;Perceived service quality;Purchase intentions;Electronic commerce;
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