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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 32(3); 2004 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2004;32(3): 109-.
다범주 순서형 품질특성을 갖는 제품의 최적 공정조건 결정에 관한 연구
김상철1, 윤원영2, 전영록3
2부산대학교 산업공학과
3경남대학교 테크노경영학부
Optimal Process Condition for Products with Multi-Categorical Ordinal Quality Characteristic
This paper deals with an optimal process control problem in production of hull structural steel plate with high defective rate. The main quality characteristic(dependent variable) is the internal quality(defect) of plates and is dependent on process parameters(independent variables). The dependent variable(quality characteristics) has three categorical ordinal data and there are 35 independent variables(29 continuous variables and 6 categorical variables). In this paper, we determine the main factors and to develop the mathematical model between internal quality predicted probabilities and the main factors. Secondly, we find out the optimal process condition of main factors through analysis of variance(ANOVA) using simulation. We consider three models to obtain the main factors and the optimal process condition: linear, quadratic, error models.
Key Words: Logistic regression;ANOVA;Simulation;Optimal process control;
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