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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 33(4); 2005 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2005;33(4): 117-.
가변모수를 갖는 EWMA 관리도
이재헌, 한정희
중앙대학교 수학통계학부
EWMA Control Charts with Variable Parameter
Jae-Heon Lee, Jung-Hee Han
Faculty of Math-Statistics, Chung-Ang University
Variable sampling rate(VSR) scheme varies the sampling rate for the current sample depending on the previous value of the control statistic. In this paper, we propose EWMA control charts with variable parameter(VP) scheme, which allows both the sample rate(the sample size or the sampling interval) and the weight to vary. We investigate the effectiveness of the VP scheme relative to the fixed parameter(FP) scheme and the VSR scheme in EWMA control charts. It is shown that using the VP scheme gives some improvements to the ability in detecting small and moderate shifts in the process normal mean.
Key Words: EWMA Chart;Variable Parameter;Variable Sampling Rate;Variable Weight;
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