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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 35(4); 2007 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2007;35(4): 123-.
온라인 커뮤니티의 상호작용성 구성요인이 관계품질과 고객총성도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
최용길1, 최동춘2, 이성수3
1경기대학교 경영학부
2부천대학 세무회계과
3경기대학교 경제학부
The Effect of Components of Interactivity on Satisfaction, Trust, Commitment and Loyalty in Online Community
Yong-Gil Choi1, Dong-Choon Choi2, Sung-Su Lee3
1School of Business Administration, Kyonggi University
2Dept. Tax and Accounting, Bucheon College
3School of Economics, Kyonggi University
This study was to investigate the structural relationships between component of interactivity, satisfaction, trust, commitment and loyalty in online community. For these purpose, the author developed several hypotheses and collected the data from 241 users of online community. The results was as follows. First, Interactivity had a significantly positive direct effect on satisfaction. Second, Interactivity had a positive indirect effect on trust. Third, Satisfaction had a significantly positive effect on trust and trust had a significantly positive effect on commitment. Finally, Satisfaction and trust had a significantly positive effect on loyalty. At the end of this paper, the managerial and theoretical implications, limitations and further research directions were suggested.
Key Words: Interactivity;User Control;Reciprocal Ccommunication;Responsiveness;Satisfaction;Trust;Commitment;Loyalty;
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