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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 36(1); 2008 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2008;36(1): 7-.
적응형 관리도의 설계에 대한 비교연구
숭실대학교 산업.정보시스템공학과
A Comparative Study on the Design of Adaptive Control Charts
Tae-Jin Lim
Dept. of Industrial & Information Systems Engineering, Soongsil University
During the past two decades, a huge amount of research on adaptive control charts has been accomplished. Especially, variable sampling interval (VSI), variable sample size (VSS), and variable sample size and sampling interval (VSSI) charts have been focused by many researchers due to their simplicity and efficiency. On the other hand, the difference among notations, assumptions, methodologies may cause confusions in per forming further studies or practical implementations. This research analyses and compares diverse models so as to provide a unified view on statistical and economical characteristics. As a result, we perform comparative study on economical design models of VSI, VSS, and VSSI charts, respectively, We also present practical guidelines to utilize those adaptive control charts.
Key Words: Adaptive Control Chart;ARL;ATS;Economic Design;VSI;VSS;VSSI;
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