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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 37(3); 2009 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2009;37(3): 94-.
6시그마 재무성과의 정확한 측정과 기업 손익실적과의 연계 방안
김호인, 정재호, 김찬모
포스코경영연구소 경영연구실
A Method of an Accurate Six Sigma Financial Effect Measurement and Connecting the Financial Effect to the Corporate Income Performance
Ho-In Kim, Jae-Ho Jeong, Chan-Mo Kim
Management Research Center, POSCO Research Institute
It is important to measure financial effect of six sigma projects accurately for successful implementation of six sigma in a company. However, researches on methods of six sigma financial effect measurement are relatively new. In this study, frequent error patterns of six sigma financial effect measurement are defined and accurate measurement methods are suggested. And a method of connecting six sigma financial effect to corporate income performance is also suggested which not only assures reliability of financial effect measurement but also helps to align with business strategy.
Key Words: Six Sigma;Financial Effect;Financial Effect Measurement;Corporate Income;Innovation;Productivity;Yield;Cost Reduction;
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