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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 38(1); 2010 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2010;38(1): 42-.
3-수준계 Foldover Resolution IV 부분실험법의 통계적 구조 및 추가분석방법에 관한 연구
건국대학교 상경대학 응용통계학과
A Study on the Statistical Structure and Additional Analysis of the 3-level Foldover Resolution IV Fractional Factorial Designs
Sang-Ik Kim
Dept. of Applied Statistics, KonKuk University
For the fractional factorial designs, the resolution-IV designs can be used when we want to estimate the main effects and to investigate the structure of the non-negligible two-factor interaction effects, when the three-factor and higher order interaction effects are all negligible. However we need to add the additional treatment combinations in order to identify the influential interactions for the resolution-IV fractional factorial designs. In this paper we investigate the statistical structure for 3-level resolution-IV designs constructed by fold-over scheme and introduce a method for analyzing the influential two-factor interactions.
Key Words: Fractional factorial designs;Resolution-IV designs;Foldover designs;Confounding;Estimable Effects;
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