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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 38(4); 2010 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2010;38(4): 593-.
항공사 기내서비스의 서비스청사진 분석에 관한 연구
이지민1, 김연성2, 이동원2
1백석예술대학 항공서비스과
2인하대학교 경영대학 경영학부
Analyzing the Service Blueprint for Aircraft Cabin Service
Ji-Min Lee1, Youn-Sung Kim2, Dong-Won Lee2
1Baekseok Arts University
2Inha University
This study aims to explore the service activities in the aircraft cabin service, develop the service process structure, and design a more efficient service delivery system in Korean airline industry. We prepare the architectural drawings of the basic components in providing the cabin service using the service blueprint technique and service process perspective. Through the case study largely based on our own research and long-time work experiences in the airline industry, we propose service failure points as well as customer waiting points. This study will be helpful for managers at all levels to use the service blueprint strategically or at a shop-floor level and improve their cabin service quality.
Key Words: Service Blueprint;Cabin Service;Service Quality Improvement;
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