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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 39(1); 2011 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2011;39(1): 15-.
의료기관 이용고객의 재방문의도와 구전효과에 영향을 미치는 서비스 품질요인에 관한 연구
김경환1, 장영일2, 정유수3
1대구가돌릭대학교 의료경영서비스학과
2인제대학교 경영학부
3인제대학교 일반대학원 경영학과
A Study on Revisiting Intentions of Medical Institution Customers and Service Quality Factors Influencing Word-of-Mouth Effect
Kyoung-Hwan Kim1, Young-Il Chang2, You-Soo Jung3
1Department of Health Care Management Service, Catholic University of Daegu
2School of Business Administration, Inje University
3Graduate School of Business Administration, Inje University
The biggest change in the current medical service market is the shift from producer-based approach to customer-based approach. Thus, there is a high necessity for an introduction of market-oriented and customer-oriented marketing activities in medical institutions. Especially, revisitation and positive word-of-mouth of customers are the most effective marketing methods of consistently obtaining customers and drawing new loyal customers. Hence, the factors influencing the reuse of medical services and word-of-mouth are demonstrated using SERVQUAL, and the results show that the service factors influencing reuse intentions on medical services are assurance, responsiveness, and tangibles and the factors strengthening word-of-mouth are empathy and assurance on the services provided by medical institutions. This study has determined that revistation and word-of-mouth of customers are not only influenced by satisfaction on medical services but by the quality itself as well. Therefore, medical service providers need to pursue standardized strategies in order to enhance the quality of medical services simultaneously in addition to simply increasing the customer satisfaction level.
Key Words: Medical Service;Word of Mouth Effect;Hospital Revisiting Intention;Health care;
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