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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 39(2); 2011 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2011;39(2): 305-.
Kano 품질분석을 위한 아이디어 발상법 적용에 관한 역구
김태영1, 박영택2
2성균관대학교 시스템경영공학
An Application of Idea Generation Methods to Kano Quality Model
Tai-Young Kim1, Young-Taek Park2
1Chungnam Techno Park
2Sungkwunkwan University
Kano model has been widely used to identify and classify customer attributes of a product or a service. The first step of Kano model application is the derivation of customer attributes, and brainstorming has been used conventionally for the purpose. A typical advantage of brainstorming is to get many ideas in a relatively short period, but the practicability of the derived ideas are known to be not so good. The derivation of good and practical ideas is important for the successful use of Kano model. Wish list, bug list and forced connection method as well as brainstorming were applied to PMP(Portable Multimedia Player) in order to derive customer attributes. To compare the idea generation methods, the derived attributes are classified and compared using Kano model.
Key Words: Kano Model;Brainstorming;Wish List;Bug List;Forced Connection Method;
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