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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 40(3); 2012 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2012;40(3): 270-.
doi: https://doi.org/10.7469/JKSQM.2012.40.3.270
81미리 조명탄용 신관 KM84A1E1 지연제의 저장수명 예측 연구
장일호1, 김지훈1, 이우철2, 백승준3, 손영갑3
2(주)한화 여수사업장
A Study of Storage Life Estimation for Delay System in the Fuse of 81mm Illuminating Projectile
Il-Ho Chang1, Ji-Hoon Kim1, Woo-Chul Lee2, Seung-Jun Back3, Young-Kap Son3
1Defense Agency for Technology and Quality
2Hanwha Co., Ltd.
3Andong National University
In this paper, storage lifetime of delay system in the fuse of 81MM illuminating projectile is estimated.
Accelerated degradation testings of tungsten delay system using both temperature and humidity stresses were performed, and then delay time increase of the systems were analyzed as degradation data based on distribution-based degradation processes.
The estimated storage lifetime of detonator is between 11.8 years and 17.6 years with each stress-life relationship.
Comparing with field data, storage lifetime of 90% reliability is about 12 years.
Key Words: Tungsten;Delay system;Fuze;Storage Life;Accelerated Degradation Test;One Shot System;
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