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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 40(4); 2012 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2012;40(4): 467-.
doi: https://doi.org/10.7469/JKSQM.2012.40.4.467
개선된 3 중 2 주 및 보조 런 규칙을 가진 X관리도의 통계적 설계
박진영1, 서순근2
2동아대학교 산업경영공학과
Statistical Design of X Control Chart with Improved 2-of-3 Main and Supplementary Runs Rules
Jin-Young Park1, Sun-Keun Seo2
1Samduk Stafild Co.
2Dept. of Industrial & Management Systems Engineering, Dong-A University
This paper introduces new 2-of-3 main and supplementary runs rules to increase the performance of the classical $ar{X}$ control chart for detecting small process shifts.
The proposed runs rules are compared with other competitive runs rules by numerical experiments. Nonlinear optimization problem to minimize the out-of-control ARL at a specified shift of process mean for determining action and warning limits at a time is formulated and a procedure to find two limits is illustrated with a numerical example.
The proposed 2-of-3 main and supplementary runs rules demonstrate an improved performance over other runs rules in detecting a sudden shift of process mean by simultaneous changes of mean and standard deviation.
To increase the performance in the detection of small to moderate shifts, the proposed runs rules will be used with $ar{X}$ control charts.
Key Words: Action limit;Average Run Length;Runs Rule;Warning limit;$ar{X}$ Control Chart;
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