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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 41(1); 2013 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2013;41(1): 119-.
doi: https://doi.org/10.7469/JKSQM.2013.41.1.119
다구찌 기법과 요인실험의 실험 데이터의 산포 크기에 따라 결과 변화 고찰
서경대학교 산업공학과
Study on the Result Changes with the Size of the Variance in Taguchi Method and Factor Experimental
Sangbok Ree
Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Seokyeong University
The purpose of this paper is to show whether the results are changed with respect to the variance of the data, by analysis of data obtained from the Taguchi experimental techniques and general experiment. Because which cannot be prove by mathematical Formula, through experimental examples will show.
Taguchi experiments were carried out with paper Helicopter experiment. Experimental Data are obtained by special designed Drop Test Equipment. While Experimental value arbitrarily changed, we looked at how Significant control Factor of Taguchi Methods and Factor experiments are changed. This process cannot be expressed as a Mathematical formula, but showed as a numerical example.
Saw significant changes in the factors when data is outside a certain range of the experimental data. By Test of Equivalence Variance, Experiment data is verified reliability. To find the Control Factor, Taguchi Method is better than the general experiment.
We know that a Significant Factor is changed with the range of Variance of Experiment Data. The value of this paper is verified change process with Numerical Data obtained Experiment.
Key Words: Taguchi Method;Variance Range;Analysis of Variance(ANOVA);SN Ratio;
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