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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 41(1); 2013 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2013;41(1): 149-.
doi: https://doi.org/10.7469/JKSQM.2013.41.1.149
연구개발 부문 적정인력 산정을 위한 확률적 모형설계에 관한 연구
김종만1, 안정진2, 김병수1
1명지대학교 산업경영공학과
2CJ 푸드빌
Design of Probabilistic Model for Optimum Manpower Planning in R&D Department
ChongMan Kim1, JungJin Ahn2, ByungSoo Kim1
1Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Myonji University
2CJ Foodville
The purpose of this study was to design of a probabilistic model for optimum manpower planning in R&D department by Montecarlo simulation.
We investigate the process and the requirement of manpower planning and scheduling in R&D department. The empirical distributions of necessary time and manpower for R&D projects are developed. From the empirical distributions, we can estimate a probability distribution of optimum manpower in R&D department. A simulation method of estimating the probability distribution of optimum manpower is considered. It is a useful tool for obtaining the sum, the variance and other statistics of the distributions.
The real industry cases are given and the properties of the model are investigated by Montecarlo Simulation. we apply the model to the research laboratory of the global company, and investigate and compensate the weak points of the model.
The proposed model provides various and correct information such as average, variance, percentile, minimum, maximum and so on. A decision maker of a company can easily develop the future plan and the task of researchers may be allocated properly. we expect that the productivity can be improved by this study. The results of this study can be also applied to other areas including shipbuilding, construction, and consulting areas.
Key Words: Manpower Planning;Probabilistic Model;Montecarlo Simulation;R&D Department;
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