Q-BOM(Quality-BOM) 기반의 품질보증 효율화 방안 연구 |
이창희1, 양경우1, 박두일1, 김상부2 |
1국방기술품질원 2창원대학교 |
A Study on the Improvement of Efficiency for Quality Assurance Based on Quality-Bill of Material |
Chang Hee Lee1, Kyung Woo Yang1, Doo Il Park1, S. Kim2 |
1Defence Agency for Technology and Quality 2Chang won university |
Purpose: For effective quality assurance activities, BOM-based quality assurance method is presented. This study introduces various BOM conversions such as Q-BOM, T-BOM, and S-BOM based on M-BOM structure. Methods: Product quality control via Q-BOM manages inspection/audit information, overall supply-chain of product, part requirements, and inventory status. T-BOM manages part traceability, and S-BOM enables statistical control over key process and parts at various hierarchy levels. Results: Quality plan template was developed based on the study results of BOM system including Q-BOM, T-BOM, and S-BOM. Conclusion: Through BOM(Q-BOM, T-BOM, and S-BOM) study and development of quality plan template, more systematic and comprehensive quality management plan is achieved. |
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