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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 41(3); 2013 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2013;41(3): 475-.
doi: https://doi.org/10.7469/JKSQM.2013.41.3.475
집중관리부품 선정을 위한 평가요소 개발과 활용방안 연구
우희성, 정상규, 이창우
A Study on the Evaluation Criteria Development for Selecting Intensive Management Items and Its Application Plan
Hee-Sung Woo, Sang-Gyu Jung, Chang-Woo Lee
Defense Agency for Technology and Quality(DTaQ)
In this study, we propose the evaluation criteria and method for selecting intensive management items which, in order to improve the parts management.1)
Parts management such as MIL-STD-3018, SD-19, SD-22 is used for devising the proposed evaluation criteria and method of selecting intensive management items. Especially, proposed evaluation criteria is customized by using AHP method.
We approved the importance of evaluation criteria for selecting intensive management items using AHP method. In production step, the parts problem record, the parts reliability, the supplier reliability, DMSM S1). In development step, the parts problem record, a counterfeit, the parts reliability, MTTF2).
The evaluation criteria and method for selecting intensive management items which is applicable to the domestic weapon acquisition environment is proposed.
Key Words: Intensive Management Items;Parts Management;Evaluation Criteria;AHP method;
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