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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 42(3); 2014 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2014;42(3): 407-.
중소기업 인적자원개발 지원사업에 대한 공급망경영 유효성에 관한 연구
서요한, 김광용, 성종수
A study on the influence of supply chain management efficiency on the training supporting project in small and medium-sized enterprises
Yohan Seo, Kwang Yong Kim, Jong Su Sung
Korean Standards Association
The purpose of this study was to propose supply chain management efficiency by analyzing moderating effect on the training support project in small and midium-sized enterprise.
The collected data through the survey were analyzed using multi?regression analysis. The measurement tools used for this study were divided into three dimensions such as personal characteristics, supportive environment and training effect.
The results of this study are as follows; first, it was found that the effects of personal characteristics and supportive environment were significant on training effect. Second, significant differences were found between supply chain management active group and inactive group. Third, moderating effect of supply chain manage efficiency was found between variables.
SME supporting project in training program needs supply chain management efficiency for training effect. Supply chain management needs to be promoted in SMEs not only for performance but also for their workplace learning and learning culture.
Key Words: Supply Chain Management;Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Training;HRD;
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