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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 42(4); 2014 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2014;42(4): 591-.
소부대 전투시나리오 기반의 UGV 효과분석 실험방안 연구
이재영1, 김종만1, 박건영1, 김준수1, 신선우1, 변재정2, 배성민3
1명지대학교 산업경영공학과
3한밭대학교 산업경영공학과
A Study of Experimental Design for Unmanned Ground Vehicle Effectiveness Based on a Small Unit Combat Scenario
Jaeyeong Lee1, Chongman Kim1, Keonyoung Park1, Junsoo Kim1, Sunwoo Sin1, Jaijeong Pyun2, Sungmin Bae3
1Dept. of Industrial & Management Engineering, Myongji Univ.
2Agency for Defense Development
3Dept. of Industrial & Management Engineering, Hanbat Nat Univ.
The purpose of this study is to design an experimental simulation model for evaluating the UGV(Unmanned Ground Vehicle) effectiveness in a small unit combat scenario.
We design and build a simulation model to evaluate the combat effectiveness of UGV in a small unit combat scenario. In order to build a simulation model, we used AnyLogic software tool which has functional advantages to describe agent-based simulation model. As for the combat scenario, we applied the typical engagement of mechanized unit equal or lower than battalion level. Analysis process follows the three phases. 1) Design an agent based conceptual medel in a small unit combat scenario. 2) Build a simulation medel using AnyLogic tool. 3) Analyze the simulation results and evaluate the UGV effectiveness.
The UGV effectiveness was measured and presented as a numeric values. Those numeric values were represented as a MOE(Measure of Effectiveness) which was the blue survival ratio.
We developed an agent based simulation model which can provide a pattern of change how UGV effectiveness varied depending upon the number of UGV in a small unit combat scenario. We also found that the UGV effectiveness grows in the given scenario as the number of UGV increases.
Key Words: Combat Effectiveness;UGV;Simulation Model;MOE(Measure of Effectiveness);
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