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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 42(4); 2014 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2014;42(4): 665-.
제습기산업의 유통경로별 서비스품질이 고객만족 및 고객충성에 미치는 상호관계에 대한 연구
김규식1, 이상복2
1서경대학교 경영대학원 경영학과 6시그마 전공
2서경대학교 산업경영시스템공학과
A Study on the Interrelationship among Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty by Distribution Channel, in the Dehumidifier Goods Industry
Kyusik Kim1, Sangbok Ree2
16 sigma Major, Dept. of Business administration, Business Graduate School of Seokyeong University
2Dept. of Industrial Managemant System Engineering, Seokyeong University
The purpose of this study was to test and verify on the interrelationship among Service Quality, and Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty in the Humidifier Goods industry. Especially, we study on the relative importance of each CS variables by distribution channel. Nowadays, most of manufacturing companies are proceeding the product servitization, which is combined service contents with product characteristics in the field of manufacturing industries.
We surveyed humidifier purchaser about the some of CS variables and analyzed it using SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 21.0 as a statistical analysis tool. We use the frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, multi-regression analysis and structural equation modeling analysis for our empirical study.
As the result of study, we find that Service Quality(SQ) influence Customer Satisfaction(CS) and CS influence Customer Loyalty(CL). Also, we verify that CS works mediate interaction on the effects between SQ and CL. And there are the significant relative effect of SQ to Customer Satisfaction in some of distribution channel.
Finally, we make certain that the market size of the Humidifier goods industry will be increased rapidly. And the distribution channe l is more important to medium and small-sized enterprise. So, we have to pay attention to the study on the distribution channel of the Humidifier goods industry. And then, we expect more researches and studies on Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in the field of manufacturing industries.
Key Words: Dehumidifier;Service Quality;Customer Satisfaction;Customer Loyalty;Distribution Channel;
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