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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 5(2); 1977 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 1977;5(2): 3-.
공산품생산(工産品生産)에 있어 통계학(統計學)의 역할(役割)에 관한 연구(硏究) -표준화(標準化)·생산(生産) 검사(檢査)-
동국대학교 문리과대학 통계학과
A Study on the Role of Statistics in Industrial mass production -Standardization production
jong-ho Kim
The purpose of this Study is to develope the Role of Statistics in Industrial mass production. The process of mass production will be divided into three steps, that is, Standardization, production and inspection. The Statistics is applied to Specificat-ions, Quality Control and Sampling inspection in these three steps. The applications have developed to Statistical methods based on probability theory. And then, The improved plan is exhibited the point of problems of introducting of spreading of quality control throughout field survey.
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