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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 23(2); 1995 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 1995;23(2): 10-.
제조시스템에서의 품질비용에 관한 연구
장석주1, 이성웅2, 박영현3
1대불공과대학교 산업공학과
2전남대학교 산업공학과
3강남대학교 산업공학과
A Study of the Quality Costs in Manufacturing Systems
Seog-Ju Chang1, Sung-Woong Lee2, Young-Hyun Park3
1Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Daebul University
2Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Chonnam National University
3Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Kang Nam University
This paper illustrates a method of developing a function of quality costs in manufacturing systems. It begins with a discussion of the problem statement of this research. A review of existing literatures related to quality costs and economic design of quality inspection methods are discussed. Next mathematical models that quantify the production cycle time and quality costs are formulated. This paper ends with an example that demonstrates the usefulness of the model and highlights the importance of using a system approach. The main contribution of this work is the more realistic considerations of the four types of quality costs (prevention cost, appraisal cost, internal failure cost, external failure cost) in manufacturing systems.
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