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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 31(2); 2003 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2003;31(2): 165-.
피로곡선 모형의 통계적 분석 및 비교
서순근, 조유희
동아대학교 공과대학 산업시스템공학과
Statistical Analysis and Comparison of Fatigue Curve Models
The fatigue has been considered to the most important failure mode where optimal design or reliability prediction of the machinery in aircraft, atomic reactors, and structure systems, etc., is required. When the statistical analysis of fatigue life data is performed, some difficulties are present because of the following facts : nonlinear relationship, heteroscedastic data, large scatter in the data, censored data (runouts), and existence of fatigue limit. To find the S-N curve models that characterize fatigue strength better, this research compares existing fatigue curve models developed recently in terms of the residual mean square and the estimate of fatigue limit, etc. for various fatigue data sets.
Key Words: Accelerated Test;Fatigue Curve;Fatigue Limit;S-N Curve;
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