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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 36(4); 2008 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2008;36(4): 19-.
정보시스템의 품질평가를 위한 품질특성
김지명1, 이관석2
1동부CNI, 홍익대학교 정보산업공학과
2홍익대학교 정보산업공학과
Quality Characteristics for the Quality Evaluation of Information System
Ji-Myung Kim1, Kwan-Suk Lee2
1Dongbu CNI, Department of Information & Industrial Engineering
2Department of Information & Industrial Engineering
The purpose of this study is to search for the quality characteristics for evaluation of the information system. The quality characteristics are an important factor for selection, implementation and maintenance of the information system of the company. Of course in the end, the quality of the information system in a company is directly related with the business performance of the company. This paper is a study of a model with four independent variables, a parameter variable, and a total of 15 hypotheses, investigated by a questionnaire method. It conducted the model analysis of structural equation to use statistical package for questionnaire analysis.
Key Words: quality characteristic;process quality and TQM;
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