Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 1996;24(2): 113-. |
PC를 이용한 품질정보시스템의 전산화 |
박철주, 오연우 |
한국원자력연구소 |
Computerization of Quality Information System Using Personal Computers |
Chul-Joo Park, Yon Woo Oh |
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute |
A various quality data are produced during nuclear fuel fabrication. In order to control quality data efficiently, Computerization of Quality Information System(QIS) using personal computer was established. Database control software and analysis software were developed for QIS. QIS was applied the fuel manufacturing and quality inspection. Quality trend analysis, process control, process capability and quality history docket for nuclear fuel manufacturing were performed by QIS. Through the Quality Information System, quality assurance, quality control, process control and manufacturing engineering were performed efficiently in nuclear fuel manufacturing. |