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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 38(3); 2010 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2010;38(3): 340-.
서비스 품질 개선을 통한 오픈 마켓의 시장 점유율 향상에 관한 연구
이원형1, 안진오1, 김용수2
1성결대학교 산업경영공학부
2경기대학교 산업경영공학과
A Study on Improvement of Market Share Rate in Open Market through Service Quality Improvement
Won-Hyung Lee1, Jin-Oh An1, Yong-Soo Kim2
1Division of Industrial and Management Engineering, Sungkyul University
2Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Kyonggil University
Properly designed and well-executed services enable e-commerce companies to capture the unique needs and preferences of customers, help them build customer loyalty, and thereby, strengthen their competitiveness in the marketplace. An object of this study is the new open-market company and it has only 3 percent of the market share. Therefore, it is needed to raise the market share by improving the service qualities. This article presents a six sigma project for service quality improvement in the open-market company. This study was carried out based on five steps of DMAIC which is six sigma technique. First, a defect rate was defined as unsatisfaction rate. In addition, 50-people data was analyzed and it was shown that the defect level was 2.5 sigma level. In this study, in order to raise the sigma level, novel eight action items were determined based on SIPOC, FDPM, cause and effect diagram, matrix chart, Pareto chart and statistical analysis.
Key Words: Open Market;Market Share;QC 7 Tools;NQC 7 Tools;Satisfaction;Service Quality;
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