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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 38(4); 2010 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2010;38(4): 531-.
대형 혁신과제 추진방법에 대한 연구
성수경1, 김준석1, 변재현2
1한국항공우주산업(주) 구매사업본부
2경상대학교 산업시스템공학부
A Study on Mega-Y Project Innovation Activities
Su-Gyeong Sung1, Joon-Seok Kim1, Jai-Hyun Byun2
1Procurement Division, Korea Aerospace Industries
2Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering and Engineering Research Institute Gyeongsang National University
Mega-Y project is very important for a company to gain a competitive advantage in markets or to achieve drastic change in the internal processes. It stems from the company strategy and annual management goals or key performance measures, and is proceeded by the cross-functional team. This paper presents the success factors and implementation process of the Mega-Y projects. The implementation process is presented in 5 steps, including project selection, cross-functional team building, establishment of the master plan, development and execution of sub-projects, and project completion. A case study on the cost reduction project of aircraft development is presented to help for the practitioners to deploy the implementation process introduced in this paper.
Key Words: Mega-Y Projects;Cross-Functional Team(CFT);Innovation Activities;Six Sigma;Master Plan;
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