Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2011;39(1): 45-. |
TQM관점에서 고객만족경영 활성화를 위한 핵심요인 |
서창적1, 황혜미2 |
1서강대학교 경영대학/경영전문대학원 2서강대학교 경영전문대학원 |
Key Factors for Invigorating Customer Satisfaction Management from TQM Perspective |
Chang-Juck Suh1, Hye-Mi Hwang2 |
1Graduate School of Business, Sogang University 2Graduate School of Business, Sogang University |
The purpose of this research is to find key factors to invigorate customer satisfaction management from TQM perspective. Consequently, the results show that CS leadership has an effect on team competency, CS evaluation and feedback, and customer information system positively. Team competency and CS evaluation and feedback take positive effects on improving activities for customer focus. Improving activities for customer focus takes positive effects on result of customer satisfaction significantly. |
Key Words:
CSM(Customer Satisfaction Management);TQM;CSM key factor; |