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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 42(3); 2014 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2014;42(3): 269-.
대·중소기업 생산성 혁신 파트너십 사업 성과분석 연구
김재곤1, 김병수2, 김종만2
1인천대학교 산업경영공학과
2명지대학교 산업경영공학과
A Study of Performance Analysis for the Productivity Innovation Partnership Program
JaeGon Kim1, ByungSoo Kim2, ChongMan Kim2
1Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Incheon National University
2Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Myonji University
The purpose of this study was to analyze the results of the productivity innovation partnership program and propose the method for improvement. We investigated 90 companies which are sub-contractors of Samsung Electronics, LG electronics, POSCO and so on.
We developed and carried out a survey and analyzed the results of the program. The interviews are also performed.
This study shows that the partnership program is a effective method for improving quality and productivity of sub-contractors and it is necessary to extend coverage of this program.
We suggested some improvement points of the partnership program and they are to be applied in the next year. The results show that the suggestion is helpful and valuable.
Key Words: Productivity Innovation;Survey;Partnership;Gap Analysis;
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