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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 42(3); 2014 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2014;42(3): 459-.
혁신역량이 경영품질 활동에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 -말콤 볼드리지 모델을 기준으로-
오재원1, 김광수2
A Study on the Effects of Innovation Competency on the Management Quality Activities Based on Malcolm Baldrige Model
Jae Won Oh1, Kwang Soo Kim2
1Korean Standards Association
2Korea National University of Transportation
This study was designed to identify whether organizational characteristics of Korean companies can make differences in innovative capability and Malcolm Baldridge management quality standard. In addition, based on the results and by verifying the influence of the innovative capability to management quality activity, it was to investigate the relations between the two factors.
The subjects of this study were workers at major companies and small-and-medium sized companies. T-test was used to identify differences in innovative capabilities of industrial and age, position classifications, and regression analysis was employed to verify the influences of the innovative capability to the management quality activity.
The size of company caused some differences in market innovative sector regarding innovative capability. Management quality activity showed differences because of the sizes of companies and their supply types, while innovative capability influenced on all sectors of management quality activity.
In this study Malcolm Baldridge management quality standard was applied to Korean companies. The results verified the meaningful influence of innovative capability to management quality activity. This means that the management quality activity can make a better performance when the innovative capability is good enough. Thus, the enhancement of management quality activity requires the boost of innovative capabilities of organization members.
Key Words: Innovation;Innovative Capability;Management Quality;Malcolm Baldridge;
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