6 시그마를 이용한 국내 유통산업의 서비스품질 평가에 관한 연구 |
유한주1, 송광석2 |
1숭실대학교 경영학부 2숭실대학교 대학원 경영학부 |
A Study on Evaluation of Service Quality in the Retail Industry using the 6 sigma |
Han-Joo Yoo1, Gwang-Suk Song2 |
1Division of Business Administration, Soongsil University 2Graduate School of Business Administration, Soongsil University |
There have been various papers about service quality. This article is one of them. This is about the measurement of service quality in the competitive structure between department and discount store. In this paper, we tried to measure the service quality and overall satisfaction by using 6 sigma, degree of combination and top2box which is a little bit different methodology from traditional ones. The data were collected by the internet survey from 1428 and 1605 department and discount store customers respectively. The result shows the different patterns in the each retail industry. Also, there is a significant difference in terms of sigma level in the each retail industry. Finally, we showed the summarized result as the 6 Sigma Portfolio Matrix. |
Key Words:
6 Sigma;Service Quality;Service DPMO; |